The artist Jorge Menna Barreto and agriculturalist Vandeí Junqueira Aguiar talk about agroforestry processes and their implications and present some of the foodstuffs on the Restauro [Restoration] menu this week.
Public talk with Vandeí Junqueira Aguiar
Vandeí is a member of the Dom Hélder Câmara Agricultural Partner Training Center (Ribeirão Preto). The processes are mediated by the Department of the Environment.
Capacity: up to 40 people by order of arrival
Talk with Gilberto Ohta Oliveira and Marcelo de Jesus Fukunaga Rosa (Cooperativa de Sete Barras - Copafasb. Moderation: Escola Como Como de Ecogastronomia and Secretaria do Meio Ambiente de São Paulo
Talk with Patrick Assumpção, agroflorester from Guanandi Farm and articulator in Vale do Paraíba.
The space COZINHA is sponsored by CTEEP
Invited guest: Patrick Assumpção
Celebrating the 20 th anniversary of the Mutirão Agrofloresta, which has helped disseminate the principles of agroforestry throughout Brazil, the Bienal announces a conversation with Rodrigo Junqueira (Fazenda São Luiz, São Paulo) and Denise Amador (Arte na Terra), some of the Restauro’s suppliers. The meeting will include a roundtable discussion on ecological and human restoration through agroforestry with Professor Marcos Sorrentino and the Mutirão Agrofloresta team; the premier of the film A agrofloresta pelas mãos e olhares do Mutirão Agroflorestal; and a seed- swapping event.